Welcome to my blog.

Summer, summer, summertime
Read on to learn how we can best support teens mental health during summertime sadness, the same way we would during the dark days of winter.

Spring Sunshine is the Best Medicine…or is it?
Spring can be a time for growth and change, but that doesn’t always feel like a good thing! Read to discover why your mental health may feel worse during this sunny season.

Let’s get real about resolutions
This year, we’re going to get real about resolutions and learn how to set goals that stick!

Anxious about Autumn?
Anxiety creeping in during as we approach spooky season? Check this out to find out why!
5 Tips for Setting Boundaries this Holiday Season
The power to say “no”, even throughout the holidays!

Not So Humble Brag
The power of positive self-talk and how to get started on bragging about you!