Individual Therapy for

Teens and

Young Adults

“I just want to feel like I belong somewhere again!”

A person with short brown hair covering their face with a geometric shape and surrounded by the same shapes falling around them.

Teens, this is for YOU

I don’t know you yet. Hell, maybe you don’t know you yet! And that’s ok. Therapy is a great place to figure it out or just learn it’s ok to not have it all figured out. Sometimes the best way to describe what's been going is you’ve just been feeling “bleh”. The things you may be saying to yourself in your head are not very nice and you wouldn’t talk to your friends that way!

So let’s figure out together how you can feel more confident about yourself, with who you are, and in your own body. And if that body looks different on the outside compared to how you feel on the inside, that’s cool too! This is a judgement free, talk freely, and explore who you are or who you want to be space. It will probably take some work, it’s more than likely going to feel weird for a bit. I hope you can grow to trust me and know that I’m committed to whatever your transformation journey looks like.

A person with long wavy brown hair by a fence carved with the words not all those who wander are lost, looking at a tree and blue skyline.

So, what does therapy look like?

We’ll start with a brief introduction call. This may be with your parents, but I’d be happy to have you there. This call is to make sure we seem like a good fit for each other and that I’d be the best therapist for you. Your first appointment will be a 1 hour assessment that gives me a good background on your needs and an opportunity for us to start working on on a plan. Feel free to ask as many questions as you’d like along the way! From there, we will meet either weekly or every other week for around 45-55 minutes. I promise therapy won’t last forever. Some days it will be tough and it’s ok to cuss, cry, and yell. We’ll make it through and one day (hopefully soon), you’ll wake up and find it was all worth it.

A bipoc woman in a blue, white, and black striped shirt sitting on a bench swing in the middle of two bipoc children in blue or black and white shirts.

Parents, this is for you.

As a mom to 3 teen boys, I know kids can be…well, a lot! Adolescence is a time for change and every day, I feel like they wake up a different person. Maybe you’ve noticed some changes that have you worried and that’s what’s led you to my page. Or maybe your kiddo themselves noticed they’re struggling. Whatever the reason, I’m happy you’re here, searching for the answers. You’ve always supported your child, through sports, academics, and all those hobbies you paid so much money for and they immediately gave up (ok, maybe that just happened to me). Mental health concerns in teens is on the rise, so you’re not alone in seeking services. I applaud you as a parent for all the support and care you’re giving your child by being here!

Reasons clients come to see me.



  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Stressed all the time

  • Worried for no reason

  • Difficulties sleeping or eating


Gender Identity/LGBTQIA Folx

  • Support for navigating coming out to friends/family

  • Support in navigating transitions or exploring what it means to be you

  • Depression

  • Not enjoying life as much as you used to or no longer liking things you used to love

  • Crying more

  • No longer confident in you are or what you look like

  • Seeing the world through a negative lens

  • Feeling like nothing you do is right

Everyday Life

  • Struggles with communication

  • Difficulties in relationships

  • Support during big life changes such as starting middle school/high school/college, new friends, and new/old relationships


It’s time to feel like you again!